Initiatives to enable you, your team, your enterprise to deliver the exact results you are accountable for, and beyond.

Ready now, always customized for your immediate priorities.

High-Performance Teams

Make happen what only a powerful, trusting team can. Achieve aggressive, critical business results.

We build winning teams that authentically listen to each other, talk straight, operate with accountability, empower each other, and are aligned.

Breakthrough Projects

Once accomplished, people participating in a Breakthrough Project develop the skill and know-how to do this again and again. Being part of such an initiative transforms the individuals and teams participating.

We have developed a reliable process for a team to resolve intractable issues or accomplish unparalleled and even impossible outcomes.

Leadership Development/ Executive Coaching

We provide a clear pathway for leaders to accelerate their growth, effectiveness and prowess while achieving their goals.

We offer both 1:1 Executive Coaching as well as Leadership Programs which include Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership for teams and focused groups of leaders.


Culture Transformation

As Peter Drucker, famed management thinker said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” High-functioning cultures yield high-level performance.

We have created an accelerated and reliable process to produce sustainable cultures needed to accomplish strategic imperatives.

Barry Pogorel has led to over 10,000 people, delivering life and career altering programs, including these current offerings:

The Power of Diversity and Inclusion 


It has been proven in many studies, that there is a direct correlation between diverse cultures, leadership teams, and boards and elevated levels of organizational performance.

We have developed a breakthrough process to accelerate and sustain organizational diversity and inclusion.

There is something in the very nature of being human that causes us to be biased, prejudiced, and judgmental of others. It is below the level of our day to day awareness and has to do with the way our brains work—a neuroscientific fact. When a person comes to see, understand, and become responsible for this phenomenon in themselves, a deep change occurs in their own ability to authentically accept, appreciate, and value other people who are different.

This level of insight is profound, lasting, and transformational. 

When an organization commits to initiate a program to have its members, and in particular its leaders, gain this level of awareness and insight, that organization can create a new culture of true diversity and inclusion.

Gain true competitive advantage:  The rewards of this program to an organization are immense—it can now tap a richer array of perspectives, backgrounds, and talents for the work at hand.

The Leadership Course


An Ontological / Phenomenological Model

We promise you that:

  • You will leave the course being a leader and exercising leadership effectively as your natural self-expression, in any situation and no matter the circumstances. This means you will naturally act as a leader without having to remember/apply strategies, techniques, styles, or methods while acting effectively in real-life situations.
  • You will master the foundational framework for being a leader.
  • You will eliminate the constraints to being an effective leader.
  • You will apply what you learn to a real-time project that is important to you.

This custom-length program includes pre-course preparation, reading, video conferencing and in-person intensives. Who should attend? Anyone aspiring to leadership in their work and life.

This course has been delivered extensively  throughout the U.S. and internationally for organizations such as: University of Rochester; Simon School of Business; United States Air Force Academy; Erasmus Academie, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Texas A&M, Mays School of Business; IC Centre for Governance & MW Corp, India;  Dartmouth College, Geisel School of Medicine; University of British Columbia, Canada; Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Zayed University Conference Center, Dubai, UAE; Clemson College of Business, Clemson University; and most recently in Los Angeles at UCLA.

Mission Control


  • The pace of work and information overload is accelerating with no end in sight
  • Most people experience overwhelm, frustration, and stress
  • Traditional methods of time management do not match this reality
  • We have created a breakthrough in dealing with everything you have to do and handle in your life and work

A new set of principles, tools, and practices that immediately increase your productivity, effectiveness, do what is most important, eliminate overwhelm, and reduce your stress. Customized for Teams or Individual Executives.

Let’s Get In Touch

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Barry Pogorel Inc
+1 310.431.1655